102 research outputs found

    Acute transverse myelitis in Lyme neuroborreliosis

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    Introduction: Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) is a rare disorder (1-8 new cases per million of population per year), with 20% of all cases occurring in patients younger than 18years of age. Diagnosis requires clinical symptoms and evidence of inflammation within the spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid and/or magnetic resonance imaging). ATM due to neuroborreliosis typically presents with impressive clinical manifestations. Case presentation: Here we present a case of Lyme neuroborreliosis-associated ATM with severe MRI and CSF findings, but surprisingly few clinical manifestations and late conversion of the immunoglobulin G CSF/blood index of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Conclusion: Clinical symptoms and signs of neuroborrelial ATM may be minimal, even in cases with severe involvement of the spine, as shown by imaging studies. The CSF/blood index can be negative in the early stages and does not exclude Lyme neuroborreliosis; if there is strong clinical suspicion of Lyme neuroborreliosis, appropriate treatment should be started and the CSF/blood index repeated to confirm the diagnosi

    Acute transverse myelitis in Lyme neuroborreliosis

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    Introduction: Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) is a rare disorder (1-8 new cases per million of population per year), with 20% of all cases occurring in patients younger than 18years of age. Diagnosis requires clinical symptoms and evidence of inflammation within the spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid and/or magnetic resonance imaging). ATM due to neuroborreliosis typically presents with impressive clinical manifestations. Case presentation: Here we present a case of Lyme neuroborreliosis-associated ATM with severe MRI and CSF findings, but surprisingly few clinical manifestations and late conversion of the immunoglobulin G CSF/blood index of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Conclusion: Clinical symptoms and signs of neuroborrelial ATM may be minimal, even in cases with severe involvement of the spine, as shown by imaging studies. The CSF/blood index can be negative in the early stages and does not exclude Lyme neuroborreliosis; if there is strong clinical suspicion of Lyme neuroborreliosis, appropriate treatment should be started and the CSF/blood index repeated to confirm the diagnosi

    Strategien zur Reduktion der CT-Strahlendosis

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    Zusammenfassung: Die rasante technische Weiterentwicklung der CT hat in den letzten Jahren zu einer deutlichen Zunahme der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten gefĂŒhrt, mit dem Resultat, dass die CT-Untersuchungszahlen weltweit angestiegen sind. Dies hat ebenfalls Auswirkung auf die Strahlenexposition der Bevölkerung. Bis heute sind zahlreiche Publikationen erschienen, die gezeigt haben, dass eine Dosisreduktion erreicht werden kann, ohne dadurch die BildqualitĂ€t und SensitivitĂ€t der CT zu beeintrĂ€chtigen. Die Mehrzahl der Strategien zur Dosisoptimierung sind einfach anzuwenden und unabhĂ€ngig von der Detektorkonfiguration des CT-Scanners. Im vorliegenden Übersichtsartikel werden die wichtigsten Methoden vorgestellt: indikationsabhĂ€ngige Methoden (z.B. rechtfertigende Indikation, Reduktion der Röhrenspannung fĂŒr die CT-Angiographie, Wahl von Kollimation und Pitchfaktor, Minimierung der Untersuchungsphasen, Senkung der Röhrenspannung und des -stroms fĂŒr die Nativphase), herstellerabhĂ€ngige Methoden (z.B. automatische Röhrenstrommodulation, adaptive Filter zur Reduktion des Bildrauschens, iterative Bildrekonstruktion) und allgemeine Methoden (z.B. Patientenzentrierung im Isozentrum der CT-Gantry, Reduktion der ScanlĂ€nge, Anwendung von Röntgenschutzmitteln, Reduktion der Röhrenspannung und/oder des -stroms fĂŒr den CT-Planungsscan

    Development of an auditory implant manipulator for minimally invasive surgical insertion of implantable hearing devices

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    Abstract Objective: To present the auditory implant manipulator, a navigation-controlled mechanical and electronic system which enables minimally invasive (‘keyhole') transmastoid access to the tympanic cavity. Materials and methods: The auditory implant manipulator is a miniaturised robotic system with five axes of movement and an integrated drill. It can be mounted on the operating table. We evaluated the surgical work field provided by the system, and the work sequence involved, using an anatomical whole head specimen. Results: The work field provided by the auditory implant manipulator is considerably greater than required for conventional mastoidectomy. The work sequence for a keyhole procedure included pre-operative planning, arrangement of equipment, the procedure itself and post-operative analysis. Conclusion: Although system improvements are necessary, our preliminary results indicate that the auditory implant manipulator has the potential to perform keyhole insertion of implantable hearing device

    Genomic analysis and relatedness of P2-like phages of the Burkholderia cepacia complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Burkholderia cepacia </it>complex (BCC) is comprised of at least seventeen Gram-negative species that cause infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Because BCC bacteria are broadly antibiotic resistant, phage therapy is currently being investigated as a possible alternative treatment for these infections. The purpose of our study was to sequence and characterize three novel BCC-specific phages: KS5 (vB_BceM-KS5 or vB_BmuZ-ATCC 17616), KS14 (vB_BceM-KS14) and KL3 (vB_BamM-KL3 or vB_BceZ-CEP511).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>KS5, KS14 and KL3 are myoviruses with the A1 morphotype. The genomes of these phages are between 32317 and 40555 base pairs in length and are predicted to encode between 44 and 52 proteins. These phages have over 50% of their proteins in common with enterobacteria phage P2 and so can be classified as members of the <it>Peduovirinae </it>subfamily and the "P2-like viruses" genus. The BCC phage proteins similar to those encoded by P2 are predominantly structural components involved in virion morphogenesis. As prophages, KS5 and KL3 integrate into an AMP nucleosidase gene and a threonine tRNA gene, respectively. Unlike other P2-like viruses, the KS14 prophage is maintained as a plasmid. The P2 <it>E+E' </it>translational frameshift site is conserved among these three phages and so they are predicted to use frameshifting for expression of two of their tail proteins. The <it>lysBC </it>genes of KS14 and KL3 are similar to those of P2, but in KS5 the organization of these genes suggests that they may have been acquired via horizontal transfer from a phage similar to λ. KS5 contains two sequence elements that are unique among these three phages: an IS<it>Bmu</it>2-like insertion sequence and a reverse transcriptase gene. KL3 encodes an EcoRII-C endonuclease/methylase pair and Vsr endonuclease that are predicted to function during the lytic cycle to cleave non-self DNA, protect the phage genome and repair methylation-induced mutations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>KS5, KS14 and KL3 are the first BCC-specific phages to be identified as P2-like. As KS14 has previously been shown to be active against <it>Burkholderia cenocepacia in vivo</it>, genomic characterization of these phages is a crucial first step in the development of these and similar phages for clinical use against the BCC.</p

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